Other Help

Student Services can help in a number of ways, but there are plenty of external services who can also help. Check out the list and links below to a wide range of support services for young people and families in the ACT. Please let us know if you need any help accessing any of these services. 

If you want support, guidance or help in any way we ask you to fill in an online request form. The requests will be confidential and will only been seen by Dr Griffiths and the person you are asking to see (e.g. the School Psychologist).

We will triage the requests (this means that we will try to follow up on urgent matters first) and will make contact with you as soon as possible. 

You need to log onto this form with your school email (or it won't let you in).


If you need to put in a report about something that has happened to you, please use the incident report form


Financial Support

We don't know everything in this area, but we would always suggest that you contact Services Australia directly if you are experiencing financial hardship and they can give you a full list of supports available: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/ 

When we are given information we will post it below:

Future of Education Equity Fund

The ACT Government provides financial assistance to support families with education expenses through the Future of Education Equity Fund. This provides a one-off, annual payment to low-income families living in the ACT to help cover the costs of education expenses such as school uniforms, school excursions, sport equipment and activities and music lessons. 

Website: https://www.education.act.gov.au/support-for-our-students/financial-and-resource-assistance-for-families

Money Smart

This is a government run website which has a list of the current financial supports available to people at the moment.

Website: https://moneysmart.gov.au/managing-debt/urgent-help-with-money 

Other Services

Below you will find a list and links to a range of support services available to young people in the ACT. Scroll through and see if any of these services would be able to help you. Click on the image or the website link to be taken to their page for more information. Feel free to reach out and ask us if you need any help accessing any of these services. 

The Junction 

The Junction Youth Health Service provides primary health care and support services to young people aged 12 to 25. Services include: GPs, nurses, smoking cessation support, case management, youth work support in addition to outreach to schools. The Junction also provides information, education, and advocacy on health issues affecting young people in the Canberra region. The service is bulk-billed so there is no cost to patients who have a Medicare card. Open Monday to Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm. Address: 30 Scotts Crossing,  Civic ACT. 

Phone: (02) 6232 2423

Email: junctioninfo@anglicare.com.au 

Website: https://www.anglicare.com.au/services/youth-family/health/

Woden Youth Centre

WYC is located at 29 Callam Street (opposite the Woden Bus Interchange). The youth centre has many facilities such as table tennis, pool tables, half basketball court, free food, computer access, Free Wi-Fi and trained Youth Workers available to talk too. The Youth Engagement Team run a school holiday program for young people each school holiday period. Check out their website for the latest holiday program each term.

Phone: (02) 6282 3037

Email: yet@wcs.org.au

Website: https://www.wcs.org.au/services/youth-engagement

Multicultural Hub Canberra

Multicultural Youth Services (MYS) provides services to young people of migrant and refugee backgrounds in the ACT.​ Services include direct one-to-one support, group sessions, life skills development, family relationship support, community activities including social, recreational and sports, as well as community development for young people and their communities. MYS provides outreach to young people in schools and colleges as well as a drop-in centre and holiday programs.

Regular Activities include: Case work, MYS Drop In, Job Club, Homework/Study Support, Football, Hip Hop Dance Sessions, Cane Ball/Tak Raw, Weekend sports, & Mentoring.

Phone: (02) 6100 4611

Email: info@mhub.org.au

Website: https://www.mhub.org.au/ 

Belconnen Youth Centre

The Belconnen Youth Centre is home to the BCS Youth Services team, who coordinate a range of activities and services for young people aged 12-25. The Belconnen Youth Centre is open on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons for Open Access, and hosts “Free Feed Fridays” each week. During school holidays, the Youth Services team operates the Youth School Holiday Program, which provides free activities and excursions. The Youth Centre is also the base for the Youth Employment Pathways Hub, the Bit Bent peer support group, and BCS youth case work services.

Phone: (02) 6264 0200

Email: youthteam@crcs.com.au 

Website: https://www.crcs.com.au/programs-and-services/youth-services/ 


Y.Engage is a youth engagement service for the Gungahlin and Inner North regions of the ACT. This service is delivered by Northside Community Service. Y.Engage utilises a range of strategies to engage vulnerable and in need young people aged 12 to 25, who are unlikely to have strong connections with their family or other primary and secondary services. Y.Engage provides short-term Casework using a Person-centred approach and co-authoring of goals. We aim to provide connections to longer term supports such as Health, Employment and Education.

Phone: (02) 6171 8000

Email y.engage@northside.asn.au

Website: https://northside.asn.au/?service=y-engage-youth-engagement 

Canberra Rape Crisis Centre

CRCC is a non-government. feminist organisation working to eliminate sexual violence. CRCC is available for any woman, child, young person or man who has experienced any form of sexual abuse, whether it is a recent assault or an assault that happened years ago. 

Phone: (02) 6247 2525 / Text: 0488 586 518

Email: crcc@crcc.org.au

Website: https://www.crcc.org.au/ 


Menslink supports young men in Canberra. They offer free counselling, mentoring and education programs. Menslink help young blokes to reach their full potential  and become the great adult men they want to be. Menslink counsellors are able to talk to you about any issue that’s on your mind, such as: Getting a job or the stress of learning a new job, Hassles with teachers or students at school, Bullying, Anger and violence, Your parents ‘just not getting it’, Loneliness, Money worries, Issues with alcohol and other drugs, Potential addictions like porn and gambling, Relationship hassles – especially with family, mates or a loved one, Trying to stay away from crime or people involved with crime.

Phone: (02) 6287 2226

Email: info@menslink.org.au 

Website: https://menslink.org.au/ 

Carers ACT

Young Carers are people up to the age of 25 who provide unpaid care to a family member or friend that lives with disability, a substance dependency, a physical or mental illness, or a person who is frail with age. Young carers can help you by giving you advice and information, offering scholarships and assistance with education costs, referring you to counselling or support groups, arranging short term replacement care so you can have a break, organising groups and activities with other carers, organising tuition to help with school work, working with teachers to help students balance their caring role and schoolwork, talking to your school about young carers, and helping your school form a young carers group. 

Phone: 1800 960 990 or (02) 6296 9900

Email: young.carers@carersact.org.au 

Website: https://www.carersact.org.au/young-carer-supports/ 

Youth Law Centre

The Youth Law Centre (YLC) is Canberra's free legal service dedicated to young people aged 12-25 years. The YLC operates a walk-in-centre on weekdays between 10:00am-4:00pm. YLC can help with minor criminal matters, employment and apprenticeships, motor vehicle accidents, contracts, discrimination, cyber bullying and more. They are located at 2 Allsop Street, Canberra City. 

Phone: (02) 6173 5410

Email: contact@youthlawact.org.au

Website: https://www.legalaidact.org.au/what-we-do/youth-law-centre 

Gugan Gulwan

Gugan Gulwan is an Aboriginal Youth Centre located in Wanniassa. It is a centre to support young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their families in the ACT. Their group programs include youth outreach, music, community arts, tutoring, drop in program, school holiday program and young women's & men's mentoring groups. 

Phone: (02) 6296 8900

Website: https://gugan-gulwan.com.au/ 

Winnunga Nimmityjah 

Winnunga Nimmityjah is an Aboriginal community controlled primary health care services operated by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community of the ACT, located in Narrabundah. Services include immunisations, health checks, chronic disease management, cervical screening, hearing tests, dental checks and information and support about diet. They also offer group programs, physiotherapy, psychology services, mental health and counselling, justice reinvestment, boxing club/gym and more!

Phone: (02) 6284 6222

Website: https://winnunga.org.au/ 


MyFuture provides resources to explore career pathways and tools to develop self knowledge and help with career decision-making. Explore occupations, courses and industries and start exploring your future!

Website: https://myfuture.edu.au/