Taking care of yourself and others during isolation

These are difficult times for everyone and we know that lots of you will be struggling. Whether it is with your mental health, staying on top of classwork, looking after your family or just staying positive whilst stuck at home. There are lots of resources out there, including asking for help through the Student Services request form.

Here is a list of some great websites and supports you can access below. We have added links to Covid-19 specific information and supports. This list will be updated whenever we get more resources.


Headspace is an all-around great resource. The below links take you to specific parts of their website relating to Covid-19 issues.



Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue is another great resource for all things mental health and wellbeing. The below links talk specifically about Covid-19 related issues.



Kids Help Line

You all know how fantastic Kids Help Line is, but did you know they have a great website with so many different wellbeing and mental health supports?! Here is some links to isolation and Covid-19 specific information from Kids Help Line.




Reach Out

Reach Out is one of the best online mental health and wellbeing platforms. Here is a link to Covid-19 specific information:
