Revenue Limit


The revenue limit controls the revenue received from equalization aid and local property tax levy.

Total Revenue Limit Authority takes the District's Three Year Resident Membership Average multiply by the per pupil monies plus Non-Recurring Exemptions (Operational Referendum, Declining Enrollment) plus any Recurring Exemptions gives us our Total Revenue Limit Authority.

Revenue Limit Authority

The 2022-23 estimate for ECSD's revenue limit authority is $18,963,941. To determine our communities tax levy we take the Total Revenue Limit Authority and subtract the Equalization Aid Allocation subtract Computer Aid and subtract Personal Property Aid . The remaining balance is the District's Total Operating Revenue Limit Tax Levy.

Allowable Tax Levy

The 2022-23 estimate of ECSD's Total Revenue Limit Tax Levy is $5,140,310. The District's approved referendum debt service payments will be added to the Total Revenue Limit Tax levy to give us a Total School Based Tax Levy of $9,249, 310.

Total Tax Levy inc. Debt

Below is ECSD's finalized 2021-22 Revenue Limit Worksheet