Enrollment & Student Count


Wisconsin Public school districts are required to count students for membership purposes on the 3rd Friday in September and the 2nd Friday in January. The 3rd Friday in September student count provides the calculation of equalization aid used on the Districts revenue limit worksheet. The membership count dates from both of these dates are used in the calculation of the equalization aid.

Enrollment vs. Membership

When districts are counting students there are a couple of factors to consider.

  • Enrollment are students that are attending ECSD even if they do not live in our district boundaries. (includes open enrolled in students)

  • Membership is the number of students that live with in our district boundaries regardless of the public school they attend. Membership counts are used as a basis for state aid payments under the state law. (includes open enrolled out students)

    • Districts are required to submit membership counts three times per year - Third Friday in September, Second Friday in January and Summer School

Open Enrollment

Open enrollment allows parents to apply for their children to attend public school in a school district other than the one in which they reside.

When a student open enrolls to a different district, the resident district transfers money to the non-resident district based upon the state set tuition rate:

2022-2023 Regular Education - $8,224 Special Education - $13,076

September Membership Counts

Three-year data for open enrollment in & out

Open Enrollment Data.xlsx