Revised Budget


While we know that it is impossible to predict what the fiscal outcome of any fund will be, we can use a conservative approach to the budget. There are many assumptions that go into developing our District's budget.


  • We estimate the number of students that will open enroll in and out of our district

      • A conservative approach in budgeting that we use is to consider that all open enrolled out students will remain open enrolled out for the remainder of the school year.

  • We estimate the number of students from Evansville that will attend our district

  • There are no guarantees as to when staff will need sick/personal time, therefore we estimate what our substiute costs will be from year to year. In the 2020-2021 budget cycle we budgeted $300,000 for substitutes. This is a conservative amount due to the unknowns related to COVID and the federal mandated leaves.

  • Transportation costs are unpredictable due to COVID. We will ensure that students are safely socially distanced and if this requires additional routes, we will need to support this, which includes fiscal support as well.

  • During the last Wisconsin biennial budget, it was approved to increase the Special Education Categorical Aid to 30% for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. DPI is currently estimating that this appropriation will be 28.2%. Our budget reflects a 27% appropriation.

  • The Board approved to budget an additional $446,000 to continue to provide CPI and work towards fully funding employee groups compensation models:

        • Clerical and Specialist Employee Group - fully funded compensation model

        • Support Staff, Custodian, Food Service - CPI 1.81%

        • Certified Staff and Administration - 65% to salary schedule/market

  • Health Insurance Premium Increase 8.9%, estimated to cost an additional $169,500

Below is the approved Budget Publication for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Governmental Fund Accounting is broken down into different "Funds".

General Fund is our Fund 10

Special Projects Fund is Fund 21 & 27

Debt Service Fund is Fund 39

Capital Project Fund is Fund 46 & 49

Food Service Fund is Fund 50

REVISED 20-21 Budget Publication.pdf