Original Budget
While we know that it is impossible to predict what the fiscal outcome of any fund will be, we can use a conservative approach to the budget. There are many assumptions that go into developing our District's budget.
Assumptions for 2021-2022:
We estimate the number of students that will open enroll in and out of our district - Assumption used was equivalent revenue and expenditures
Carried over the current 2nd and 3rd Friday Pupil Count
Open Enrollment (Regular Education $8,161 and $13,013 pupils with disabilities)
107 In and 124 Out (17 more students OE Out vs. In, consistent with 2019-20)
Allocated 9.9% Increase for health insurance premiums
Updated Other Post Employment Retirement Benefit Budget
Staff Attrition
Reduced COVID budgeted amounts (transportation, Jedi, substitute costs)
Increase TRIS and Levi LMC Clerks to 35 hours per week
Added MS Poms Stipend
Add .5 School to Career Coordinator FTE
Allocation of ESSER II Monies
6-12 Math Teacher Salaries/Benefits
COVID Related Supplies
Social-emotional support for Families
Not taken into account Governor Ever's $100 million one-time federal money allocation to K-12. The anticipation is that this will be a per-pupil allocation. Also, the additional monies that we shall receive for in-person instruction during the 2020-21 school year (required by Joint Finance Committee) have not been factored into this budget. The in-person instruction report will be used by DPI to calculate additional monies for ECSD for ESSER II and ESSER III. This report was required to be submitted to DPI on August 27, 2021. We are hoping to hear allocations by the end of September.
Below is the approved Budget Publication for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Governmental Fund Accounting is broken down into different "Funds".
General Fund is our Fund 10
Special Projects Fund is Fund 21 & 27
Debt Service Fund is Fund 39
Capital Project Fund is Fund 46 & 49
Food Service Fund is Fund 50