
Grading Policy

Band is on a quarterly grading schedule. Students will be given grades for band each nine week period. Rather than earning a 1-5, students will be graded based on percentages and earn letter grades.

Grading Scale:

90%-100%: A

80%-89%: B

70%-79%: C

60%-69%: D

0%-59%: F

Participation: 75% of final grade

Follow Classroom Expectations and Responsibilities! Each student will exhibit leadership in the classroom by supporting their classmates, demonstrating an effort to learn, and attending each class. Students will have 5 minutes to walk to class, get instrument and necessary materials out, and be seated. Students will be provided with written work when they do not have their instrument in class. Grades will be lowered if a student forgets their instrument more than two times during a nine week period. If the instrument is in the shop for repair, please bring a note from the shop.

Tests, Pass-Off’s, and Google Classroom Assignments: 25% of final grade.