Classroom Expectations and Responsibilities

Classroom Expectations and Responsibilities

1. Show Mutual Respect.

2. Never jeopardize the safety of others.

3. Students will enter the room quietly and ready to give 100% effort.

4. Within 5 minutes of the beginning of class students should be in their seat, ready to play.

5. No candy, food, or gum is allowed. Bottled water is acceptable.

6. Students will avoid being a distraction to others. Students should work hard to eliminate all unnecessary noises from the room before, during and after rehearsal.

7. Students will use a low volume, indoor speaking voice at all times.

8. Absolutely NO horseplay, running or wandering around room. Ask for permission to get up for any reason. Try not to ask for the restroom until we have warmed up as a group.

9. Students will not touch percussion equipment unless given permission by Mrs. Nass-Hillman.

10. Always have your music, instrument, and pencil.

11. Instruments must be returned to the storage area or taken with you when class is over.

12. Have fun!