Student's poems

Students were invited to write a poem. Find below some of their productions.

The poem

the poem is poetry

the poem is art

the poem is feeling

the poem is floating

and I need you so much,


that when I realized

I was already inside you,


we became one

perfectly fitted


the poem is me

in soul in mind.



Isn't it beautiful how, without thinking

we tell our age as an experience,

not a loss?

you say you are 16 years old,

like it is part of you.

By the way, I find it charming how

we use the verb to be

as if the years were actually ours

They once were,

But we didn't know we had them

We were too busy focusing on

the years that were about to come

Now I carry a bag of decades

I never lived

Isabela Tavares - 2 EC5


Something that you don’t see

You can’t touch

But you feel it

Vividly, every day, every hour

Until you don’t

Don’t feel anything

Hugo Renato Rodrigues de Souza Antonioli – 2EC4

Thiago Sá 2EC3


People feel happiness

because they feel sadness

one feeling complements the other

and makes us who we are.

We are a complexity of feelings

and our soul overflows all of them.

You exist when you feel

only you know what and how you feel

and that's what makes you special

Gabriela Bosi Fioruci - 2EC4

Mariana C - 2EC3