Student´s Poems

Students were invited to write a poem. Find below some of their productions.

Author Vitor Cavazzoto 2EC2

All I can

ever do to you


giving love

just love.

Livia Ogera - 2°B - 2EC1


I like how when talking about someone's personality

we talk about their nature.

Maybe that's what we really are,

our own little environments.

As we live,

we let small bits of ourselves grow and spread,

and others rot and die.

And although we can try

to garden certain parts of ourselves

Somethings can't live in who we are,

or in who others are.


With every breath I take

I let a little of myself out

and a little of the world in.

Author Sofia Yumi Carvalho Koyama - 2o C - 2EC2

It´s going

to be hard

but hard is

NOT impossible!

Laura Soares Costa 2ºB - 2EC1


I suppose

I love my fears


they made me feel strong

fighting them

and help me

grow up

Carolina Pacobello Farah-2º B - 2EC1

Niccolas Barbosa- 2o B - 2EC1

state of soul: elysian

Laura Ribó - 2º A - 2EC1

Gabriel Paleari Cassini 2oC - 2EC1


A flicker of hope

still a light in the dark

you can learn how to cope

just by avoiding what is sharp

- Grigor Bittencourt 2°C - 2EC1

Sophia Ferreira Rosa 2°A - 2EC1

João Pedro Silvestre 2EC1