Friday 6th September 2024


Dear Families, 

It has been a pleasure to have the children back in school this week and hear all of their holiday stories. Thank you for ensuring children are fully equipped with the correct uniform and PE kit. 

Team Humber have had a fantastic three days at Low Mill and have come back full of wonderful memories! Please make sure you have a look on X if you haven't already done so to see what they have been up to, I'm sure they will be full of wonderful stories to share with you this weekend!  

I am delighted to introduce you to new members of the staff team who are joining us this year. Miss Wolfenden is teaching in Team Calder and will be working alonside Mrs Findleton.  Miss Wolfenden will be teaching on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Mrs Marshall is a music specialist and will be in school with us every Tuesday morning and working with children in Key Stage 2.  Mrs Marshall already works in Ebor schools and is a fantastic addition to our team at Staynor Hall.  Mrs Griffin and Mrs Knight have joined the support staff team and Mrs Hanks has joined the cleaning team.  Miss Moran, Mr Hague and Miss Potts are also supporting us this term in school.  I am sure you will join me in making them to feel very welcome. 

Best wishes 

Mrs Winter 


19th September - Open Evening for Selby High School 

9th October - Individual Photos (Further Information will be sent out via Parent Hub closer to the time)

22nd October - Whole School Flu Immunisations (

28th October - 1st November - Half Term Holiday (School closed to all)

4th November - School Reopens


A warm welcome back to all children, parents and carers.

As part of our school newsletter I am going to include a safeguarding thought for parents and carers. These will vary from newsletter to newsletter and hopefully there will be some information that you will find useful.


For the first few newsletters we will share information around online safety. As a school we have a responsibility to ensure that children know how to keep themselves safe online. 

We recognise that online technology and social media is constantly changing and that it can leave us as the grown ups feeling behind the times (me anyway!). 

This week I have attached a poster which contains really useful tips to keeping your children safe online. Over the coming weeks we will provide information about different online platforms that children have access to. 

If you have any worries, concerns or questions regarding online safety please come speak to myself. 

Thank you and warm regards

Mr Metcalfe

Designated Safeguarding Lead



We encourage all our parents to download the Parent Hub app.

Parent Hub is the school's main form of communication with parents. Keeping you informed with what is going on specifically to your child. 

Sharing news about:

You must sign up using the mobile number and email address that has been used on your child's admission forms (any changes must be updated with the office in writing.) Using this information will link you directly to your child. 

To complete the set up, please do not forgot to verify yourself which will be sent via email. 

Parent Hub Letter.pdf




You may have noticed that our gates are now numbered. 

This is to help when we communicate when gates have been left closed and reduce confusion. 

Gate One is located next to the Main School Office

Gate Two is the gate that many of you use by the road leading to the playground 

Gate Three is the rear gate next to the community playing field.