
Help Desk

Located in the library

Fill out the TS Help Desk for on your iPad!

If you have any iPad issues, cracked screen, app not working, or you have misplaced your iPad, please fill out the form on your iPad and someone from Tech Serives will address your issue. 

Your campus technology support specialist can help fix/replace your iPad and they can put the device in lost mode and find its last known location. 

Student Help Sheets

New to Eanes Student iPad Introduction
Editing PDFs on the iPad (2).pdf

Editing PDFs

Apple ID.pdf

Apple ID Login

Skyward One-Pager.pdf

Skyward Help

Online Textbooks 22-23.pdf

Accessing Textbooks


Password Help Sheet


Responsible Use


At West Ridge Middle School, instructors use district-issued iPads for a variety of learning opportunities. Using and caring for these devices as well as their online reputations requires a great deal of responsibility on the part of the students and diligence on the part of the faculty and staff. For this reason, the following guidelines for responsible use have been put into place at WRMS.

Student responsibilities


Students will log onto the district network as themselves. Use of apps aimed at getting around the web filter are strictly prohibited. During the year, various random checks will be conducted (both remotely and in person) to check for inappropriate use of the iPad. Students who are breaking the Responsible Use Guidelines will be referred to the assistant principals.

iPad Academic Readiness

The iPad is provided by the district for academic use. To that end, it is the student's responsibility to ensure that:

Care for the iPad

It is the responsibility of the student to care for his or her iPad. iPads are not to be left on the floor, in the bottom of a locker, etc. The district is not responsible for iPad damage. Please see the current iPad form for information about purchasing insurance.

Non-academic Use of iPads

During the academic day, students may only use their iPads (district-issued and personal) for academic use. Gaming, messaging, using social networks and other non-academic use of the iPad is prohibited during the school day. Consequences for gaming during school (even when you finish your work) include the student sending an email to the person who witnessed non-academic use, the parents and the Educational Technologist. The Educational Technologist will look for trends that indicate excessive gaming and will work with students and parents on a long-term solution that will promote better self-regulation.

"I'm finished. Now what do I do?"

Students who finish their work early will not be permitted to play on their iPad or any other electronic device. Each teacher will have various opportunities for enrichment that includes passion projects, socialization strategies, extensions of learning, etc. Students should ask their teachers what they can do when they complete an assignment.


Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship Week 2021
Digital Citizenship.pdf