The sign up process will be from July 29th to August 5th!

Please register online to access the SchoolsBuddy system as soon as the link is sent to your email. You will have a page where you can access the calendar, messages and of course, sign up for the ASA program.

Parents will choose the activities by preference and the spots will be filled randomly and NOT on a first come, first served basis, as it has always been. Therefore, you will choose your preferences by number, being number 1 your first option, 2, the second and 3, the third option.

There are no guarantees of getting preference number 1.

Accommodations will be set after the registration period.

Changing activities

Any changes in the activities are allowed until the end of September in the 1st semester and in the end of March in the 2nd semester.

For all changes and cancellations contact Priscilla Pinheiro at

Canceling an activity

It is possible to cancel an activity at any time. A percentage of the payment will be required for paid activities.

For all changes and cancellations contact Priscilla Pinheiro at