How Much: R$750/semester ( In full or in 2 installments in the beginning of the semester)

Description: The purpose of this course is to know the instrument and to develop the skills to play saxophone. Students will develop their musical skills by playing major and minor scales, technical and melodic exercises. All of exercises will integrate beginners students and the intermediates as well. Students will play duos, trios, quartets and ensemble arrangements.

When: Thursdays , 3:30-4:30 pm

Who: Middle and High School students (students need to bring its own saxophone)

Ratio: 8

Teacher: LĂ­via Pereira (livia.gastardeli@gmail.com)

The paid (non-sponsored) after school activities are paid by extra by parents. All paid activities have limited spots, therefore, from the moment parents receive the confirmation of registration they have a week to fulfill the payment to secure their child's placement. In case the payment is not identified by the activity leader, the spot will be reopened.Payment procedures: 1x - full amount in the beginning of the semester or 2 installments to be given to the activity leader.