How much: R$750,00 per semester - (In full or in 2 installments in the beginning of the semester).

Description: - Drawing, Painting, 3-D Modeling and Problem Solving\/Creativity Challenges. This club is designed to provide students with more opportunities to explore arts materials and techniques and to extend their abilities to new levels. Students will also be exposed, along the semester, to a couple of problem solving/creativity challenges, they may choose to accept and work individually, or in teams, to meet them.

When: Thursday - 3:25 - 4:25 pm

Where: Elementary School Art room

Who: 1st through 5th grade students

Ratio: 16 students maximum

Materails needed: None

Teacher: Isabella Melo ( and Christina PrudĂȘncio.

The paid (non-sponsored) after school activities are paid by extra by parents. All paid activities have limited spots, therefore, from the moment parents receive the confirmation of registration they have a week to fulfill the payment to secure their child's placement. In case the payment is not identified by the activity leader, the spot will be reopened.Payment procedures: 1x - full amount in the beginning of the semester or 2 installments to be given to the activity leader.