
How Much: R$750 / semester (In full or in 2 installments in the beginning of the semester)

Description: Style: Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a balanced combination of sustained poses as well as poses flowing in a mindful progression from one to another. Attention is always given to basic alignment & therapeutic principles. Mindfulness; observing breath and body (triputi) are an integral part of class. Classes are balanced with energy, to give you a good physical work-out, and calm, to keep you balanced. This class is suitable for women and men from 7 to 11. If you have major physical challenges please check with your doctor first. Discover why Yoga is such a powerful tool for keeping you healthy in body, mind and spirit. Learn: - basic alignment principals, including modification options; - the importance of focused mind, breath and body; - how to practice a good physical work-out, that balances your energy and keep you calm; - “core” - what it is and how to strengthen it; - the importance of pelvic floor health and it’s relation to core. Material needed: Personal Mat

Who: Age 07 to 17

When: Tuesday, 3:25 - 4:25

Ratio: 17 students

Teachers: Poliana Tancler (polizym@gmail.com)


How Much: R$750 / semester (In full or in 2 installments in the beginning of the semester)

AcroYoga classes are a great proposal for students this semester. We are two instructors and together we will develop with students, individual and double poses. AcroYoga joins the wisdom of Yoga, the power of acrobatic techniques and Thai massage, with its incredible potential for relaxation. Amazing opportunity for all levels and ages.

Who: Age 07 to 17

When: Wednesday, 3:25 - 4:25

Ratio: 17 students

Teachers: Poliana Tancler (polizym@gmail.com)

The paid (non-sponsored) after school activities are paid by extra by parents. All paid activities have limited spots, therefore, from the moment parents receive the confirmation of registration they have a week to fulfill the payment to secure their child's placement. In case the payment is not identified by the activity leader, the spot will be reopened.Payment procedures: 1x - full amount in the beginning of the semester or 2 installments to be given to the activity leader.