
Teacher Information

Name: Ms. Erika Adelman

Room Number: 1116

Course Introduction

Intro to Art

The emphasis in Intro to Art is to build a solid foundation and understanding of the visual arts. Throughout the year we will explore the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. Students will experiment with various tools, techniques, media applications, art forms and disciplines including but not limited to: drawing, painting, sculpture, art appreciation, art history, and art criticism.

By the time the student completes this course of study, they will know or be able to:

-identify and experiment with a variety of art materials

-identify a variety of art history movements and artists

-evaluate and critique famous and personal works of art

-have produced numerous art pieces

-describe aesthetic characteristics in artworks.


The emphasis in our Painting class is build on our knowledge learned during your perquisite Intro to Art class. Students will work with tempera, watercolor, acrylics, and mixed media while exploring a number of tools and techniques. Art Appreciation, art history and art criticism will be important components in this course.

By the time the student completes this course of study, they will know or be able to:

-identify and properly use a variety of painting tools and techniques

-identify a variety of art history movements and artists

-evaluate, compare and critique famous and personal works of art

-have produced art pieces that show an understanding and range of painting mediums

-describe aesthetic characteristics in artworks.

Drawing 1-2 and Drawing 3-4

The emphasis in our Drawing 1-2 is to continue to advance your skills and understanding of the visual arts building on knowledge learned during Intro to Art. Throughout the year, we will continue to explore the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. Students will fine tune their abilities with various art forms and disciplines including but not limited to: observational drawing, portraits, composition design, art history, and art criticism. Studio projects will explore a variety of artistic media and the development of critical vocabulary of artistic concepts.

Drawing 3-4 is a continuation of Drawing 1-2 as a portfolio building class. Students will concentrate on a composition design. Students will gain a better understanding of their own art as well as others through critical theory and analysis.

AP: See College boards approved syllabus for specific details

These course will include lectures, group critiques, demonstrations, and written assignments that augment the studio portion of the class.

School-wide Expectations

Academic honesty

Plagiarism includes the act of intentionally using information or property of another, or knowingly sharing academic information to gain an unfair advantage. To steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own. Discipline for academic dishonesty may result in a loss of credit for the assignment and up to a 5 day suspension.

Passes & Sweep

Students must be in class before the final bell rings or they will need to report to the sweep room.


Cell phones, hats and any food/drink must be put away before entering the classroom. Water is allowed.

Electronic Devices

The use of personal devices and headphones will occasionally be allowed during studio time as directed by the teacher.


Students are strongly encouraged to attend class regularly. If a student has an excused absence it is the

student’s responsibility to complete any assignment, quiz or exam that was missed. When a student is absent,

they have the number of days that they were absent to turn in the missing assignment or take a test. (Example:

If the student is absent on Monday and Tuesday, returning to school on Wednesday, the student would have

until Friday to make up missing work.) As long as the assignment/test is accomplished within the absence

window, the task is considered to be on time; the student can redo the assignment/test. The student would still need to meet the criteria for re-takes as outlined in the retake policy.

DUSD Attendance Procedure: A student who is absent from any class nine (9) or more times, either excused or

unexcused, per semester may not receive academic credit for that class. (A.R.S. 15-802, 15-803)

School Wide Grading and Retesting Policy

Late work

Classwork/Homework and Project assignments will be accepted within 4.5 weeks period of the quarter with up to a 20% off penalty.

Retakes on Projects

As the teacher monitors students' progress on project objectives for students' grades, they may note lack of student progress and direct students to resubmit tasks within the project. This must be completed no later than four weeks from the original due date.


Retesting is allowed for all assessments except for final exams. Student will be provided an opportunity to retest in class and also have an opportunity during teacher tutoring hours. For student to be eligible for retesting the following guidelines must be met:

  • Re-test no later than four weeks from the original assessment or no later than the end of the quarter
  • Documentation of additional practice of tutoring or support
  • Completed 80% or more classwork/homework:
  • Grades reflected in the grade book are the best of all attempts

Suggested Supplies




Please return this sheet by Tuesday August 7 to Ms Adelman. Keep the syllabus portion for your records.


By signing below, you are stating that you have read, understand, and agree to the policies and procedures of my class. Thank You.

Print Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________

*Parent /Guardian Signature:______________________________________________ Date: ________________

*Parent E-mail address: _______________________________________________________


Parent contact phone # _________________________________________________

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