Art 3-4, 5-6

Welcome to Art 3-4.

This course is a rigorous curriculum focusing on observational drawing. We will spend first semester working with still life, portraits, perspective, shading and texture. Second semester we will bring color into our artwork. We will explore Prisma pencils and continue working from observation. Below you will see my outlines that will guide us along on our awesome journey.

Art 5-6 will revisit observational drawing using more advanced techniques. Additional techniques and personal style will be explored.

It is essential that students have a sketchbook to work in. I recommend a spiral bound sketchbook. 9 x 12 or larger is best. We will be using a variety of classroom set materials. If you would like your own set of drawing pencils I can provide space for you to secure your materials if you would like to leave them in our studio.

Students who take these courses should have a strong interest in learning how to draw and take artistic risks.