Pictures of our Family in action

All Pictures below belong to Ms. Wisbey, Mr. Cook or Mr. Carleton and the DHS AVID Program.

Please do not use without permission.

Graduation and Celebration

Students earn a stole by continuing in the AVID program for 3 years, fulfilling all major requirements, including completing their entire senior year in the AVID class.

In-class work

Socratic Seminars

Vocabulary building

Team Building/Relational Capacity


Every Tuesday and Thursday, ALL AVID students participate in tutorials. They complete their homework Monday and Wednesday night to be prepared for class. They will then share and present their problem with their classmates to obtain help through questioning. When used properly, students grades and test scores improve.

Spirit and Involvement

Part of the AVID Contract is to be involved in a club, sport or program in addition to AVID. And, it is the expectation that you go all out for spirit days!

Cross Class Collaboration

Seniors mentoring Freshman and providing advice on different components of the AVID program.

Business Casual

Once a month (this semester) AVID students are required to dress in business causal attire. AVID helps prepare students for future interviews, and by showing them appropriate dress standards, is just one way we help them prepare. No Jeans allowed! This also helps build confidence!

Guest Speakers and Field Trips

So far this year, we have had guest speakers from:

  • Gilbert Villalobos- Former AVID Student, DHS Alumn, and author

  • Ms. Susana Torres- ASU Health Occupations Programs

  • The DHS AVID Alumni Panel- AVID students who are in college come back to speak to our students every year!

Field trip with Be A Leader to Luke Air Force Base

Upcoming Field Trip to ASU with a Men's Basketball game to follow!