Contract information

AVID CourseSyllabus AND Contract 2020-2021

2020-2021 Contract and Syllabus

Senior AVID Stoles

You want this to be you!

In order to earn a stole you need to:

  • be enrolled in the Senior AVID elective class

  • Complete the AVID requirements (see the AVID contract)

  • Complete at least 3 full years in the AVID elective.

AVID Probation

Probation is a process a student will go through if they are unable to maintain the contract guidelines. Most common issues are attendance and grades/g.p.a.

Students will be identified by the site team and given a time frame in which they need to fix the issue. Students on probation will need to have weekly meetings with their AVID teacher to ensure their success, or progress toward fixing the issue that placed the student on probation. If a student is able to fix the mistakes, then they will be off of probation at that point. If a student is unable to fix the issue, they will be dismissed from the AVID program at the semester.

If a student is dismissed from AVID, they can reapply to the AVID program after one semester.