Parent and Student Testimonials

"My son struggled in elementary school with organization and study skills. He never had a class where he learned how to take notes or what to do when needing tutoring. The AVID program at DHS is exactly what we were looking for at a high school. The teachers help set them up for success by using agendas, teaching them how to ask questions that will help them learn better. They are taught how to organize their assignments with a binder system, and they are guided with keeping a weekly agenda. The AVID program sets students up for success, not just in school, but in life. The structure, the organizational skills, the teachers—cannot express how amazing this program is. "

12th grade parent, Surprise, AZ

"When our daughter first heard about the AVID program in 8th grade, she was nervous & excited to fill out that application, but as someone who has always been goal driven and filled with college dreams, she knew if she was accepted into the AVID program it was only going to help make all those dreams come true. Throughout her 4 years within the AVID program,  she was able to learn how to better communicate with others, how to conduct herself in a professional manner for interviews & how to manage her time better. AVID provided her with numerous scholarship opportunities, that had she not been apart of the program, we would not have known about. AVID helped her stay motivated & focused throughout high school which helped her get accepted into her dream college, the University of Pittsburgh! 

We will forever be thankful and grateful to all her AVID teachers, who helped guide her & provide her with words of wisdom & encouragement."

Alumni parent-  Surprise, AZ

“As a former student and current AVID tutor, I can honestly say that AVID sets students up for success. In college, many students struggle to learn organizational and scheduling skills that AVID students will learn and master throughout high school.” Alumni and AVID Tutor, Vicente 

“I have stayed in AVID as long as I have because I found a group of people who are in the same boat as I am and I feel like I need that support system to help me strive for more. I have found that having this AVID family and getting the knowledge about college is beneficial to me because I am fortunate to have people or a group of individuals who are there for you when you are at your lowest point”- Alumni Marina V

The biggest opportunity I have been given while being in AVID was learning, applying, and being accepted in the Achieving a College Education program at Estrella Community College.” Alumni Alejandro A.M

“Personally I have found that AVID has helped me with my at home issues which has helped me much more in school. I am far different from what I was freshman year and have improved so much more than ever with the help of my AVID family.” Alumni Jessica S.

“I have stayed in AVID as long as I have because it has always inspired me to go above and beyond my own expectations for myself. They continually motivate me no matter what and that's one of the many benefits. Avid keeps you organized, prepared, and ready. You will always feel safe, welcomed, and uplifted.” Alumni- Maria M. 

“One thing that has surprised me while being in AVID is that a lot of the students in your class are very helpful when you're not understanding something, and that your AVID teachers always motivate you to strive for the best..” Alumni Brianna R

“To be honest I was not going to stay after my first year but I changed my mind last minute, and I am really lucky that I did stay. I was given great opportunities. I was able to get into ACE and West-Mec and will be graduating high school with my Associates Degree!” Alumni Sara G.C

“One thing that surprised me since being in AVID is how interactive and collaborative the class is. We are constantly working in groups and relying on each other for help which I have not seen in many other classes.” Alumni Danielle L.

“Don’t be afraid to dive in, the hardest part of anything is beginning, everything else after that is a breeze.” Senior Naithan R.L


“If I didn't take AVID I don't think my grades would be as good as they are now because AVID really does help me stay on top of my work.” Senior Alessandra C

“I have stayed in AVID for the assistance with grades and skills, I have found the presentations and TRF's to be beneficial because they assist in my communication and cognitive skills.” Junior Anestacia I

“I took the opportunity of being in Honors classes because I wasn't going to do them in the first place but AVID has helped me have the confidence to be successful. “- Junior Hugo A.

“One thing that has surprised me in the time I've been in AVID is how much I like keeping all of my assignments and notes in a binder/folder because it's really helped me throughout school so far.” Junior Abraham A.