
Hello, my name is Elliot. For my PYPx (exhibition) I am inquiring into how Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence can do jobs and work more efficiently and benefit people. I find this a very interesting topic as it will become very important in the future as most of the companies will be software development (programming) companies, or AI and ML companies. I think the world is not doing enough to educate people with technology skills such as programming and will affect loads of people in the future by their jobs possibly being overtaken by a computer.

Language integration

Copy of Elliot - Writing Piece 2
Copy of Elliot - Writing Piece 1

Maths integration

Copy of Elliot Maths intergration

Second Language integration

Copy of Elliot Jensen - Foreign language task

Specialist integration

Copy of Kami Export - Elliot Specalist intergration.pdf


For my action I created a video with David about technology in education. We wanted to express how important tech skills are and how important they will be in the future. I hope that this can teach some people and convince them and the school to start teaching more advanced tech skills such as programming. This will be super important as almost every job in a few decades will require some technology skills and without them your will be at a massive disadvantage.

Approaches to Learning

Copy of Elliot Jensen - ATL Skills!

my inquiry cycle

Copy of Elliot Jensen - Untitled presentation

learner profile

Elliot Jensen -Learner Profile Attributes




Newsela.com. (2021). Newsela | Tommy the robot nurse helps Italian doctors care for coronavirus patients. [online] Available at: https://newsela.com/read/robot-nurse-coronavirus/id/2001007957/?search_id=d2953013-9a92-47e7-85e6-a988f6ecedca [Accessed 29 Jan. 2021].

Newsela.com. (2021). Newsela | Humanoid robot Atlas spreading both excitement and fear. [online] Available at: https://newsela.com/read/atlas-humanoid-gymnastics/id/57841/?search_id=f8113eb5-7eda-4739-bd61-854da3724043 [Accessed 29 Jan. 2021].

Boston Dynamics.com. (2021). Boston Dynamics | Official Store. [online] Available at: https://shop.bostondynamics.com/ [Accessed 29 Jan. 2021].

Purtill, C. (2019). Stop Me if You’ve Heard This One: A Robot and a Team of Irish Scientists Walk Into a Senior Living Home. [online] Time. Available at: https://time.com/longform/senior-care-robot/ [Accessed 29 Jan. 2021].

Simonite, T. (2019). How Do Machines Learn? [online] Wired. Available at: https://www.wired.com/story/how-we-learn-machine-learning-human-teachers/ [Accessed 29 Jan. 2021].

Cortez (2020) 21st-Century Classroom Technology Use is on the Rise (Infographic), Technology Solutions That Drive Education. Available at: https://edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2017/09/classroom-tech-use-rise-infographic (Accessed: 12 March 2021).