
My issue is about animal and plant extinction, too many animals and plants are being killed off by people and people are also causing a change in climate which is killing off even more of them.

I chose this issue because I feel like a lot of other issues connect to this like climate change, deforestation, overhunting, etc. I also chose this issue because in my old school, I learnt about it for so I felt like since I knew more about this issue, it might be easier for me to understand it for this exhibition.

I have learned more than I already knew about this problem, like I never knew that so many other problems connected to this problem, and I didn’t even know about overhunting or poaching until I had started my research on this.

I hope that this problem will help people to understand what biodiversity is and what they can do to help, raising awareness is a good way to start. So I hope that lots of people will be taking action to help biodiversity.

Language integration

Maths integration

Copy of Leilani Maths Integration

Second Language integration

Specialist integration

Copy of Poster

Approaches to Learning

Copy of Leilani - ATL Skills!

my inquiry cycle

Leilani Oni - Inquiry Cycle!

learner profile

Copy of Leilani - Learner Profile Attributes!



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