9th Grade

English Assignment #1

Tarsh Freeman - Is Odysseus a hero?

Is Odysseus a Hero?

Instructions: For the next 3 weeks, we will learn how to write an argumentative essay. You will use your copy of the rough draft packet to learn how to write and write each step of the essay. I may ask you to turn in some steps separately as you finish them for feedback. For example, you will turn in your thesis to get feedback. There is also a simplified outline and some notes on writing attached to help you.

This assignment is designed to be completed mostly in class.

English Assignment #2

Hero's Journey One-Pager

Create a one-pager showing the heroic journeys of either Odyessus or Beowulf.

Math Assignment #1


In geometry, I am learning about right triangle trigonometry. One way that right triangle trigonometry can be used is to find the height of objects using a clinometer. A clinometer is a tool that is used to measure the angle of elevation, or angle from the ground, in a right triangle. You can use a clinometer to measure the height of tall things that you can’t possibly reach to the top of such as flag poles, buildings, and trees. In my group, I measured the height of the door sill and a concrete support beam. Below is a picture of how a clinometer is used.

Math Assignment #2

Stained Glass

In Geometry, I learned about the properties of parallelograms and used the properties to design a piece of stained glass. The inspiration for my stained glass was aliens. I made the theme aliens because I thought the scene and background would have a plethora of shapes in them. The shapes I included in my design are a semi-circle, triangle, squares, rhombi, parallelograms, and rectangles. I made sure that my parallelograms abided by the properties of parallelograms which are opposite sides are parallel, opposite sides are congruent, opposite angles are congruent, consecutive angles are supplementary, and diagonals bisect each other.

Science Assignment #1

Science Assignment #2

Science Assignment #3

Science Assignment #4

Social Studies Assignment #1

New Jersey v. T.L.O

Supreme Court Cases

For this project, you will be investigating a famous Supreme Court decision. Please see the attached document for instructions, the link to Oyez.org will assist you in your research.

Social Studies Assignment #2

Andre Dickens Presentation

Mayor Project

Choose one of the candidates for mayor. Use campaign websites to explain the candidates positions on five major issues. Examples of issues are things like crime/policing, transportation, infrastructure, affordable housing, homelessness, environment, etc.

Mayor Candidates: Mayoral election in Atlanta, Georgia (2021)

Social Studies Assignment #3

Tarsh Freeman - 5 Themes of Geography

5 Themes of Geography

Create a slideshow explaining the 5 themes of geography and explain why we study them.

Digital Technology Assignment #1

Tarsh Freeman - Smart Clothing Design Presentation - Google Slides.webm

Smart Clothing Design

You are creating a piece of wearable technology for a client. You must design 1 top, 1 bottom, 1 pair of shoes, and one accessory (hat, jewelry, coat, belt) that addresses health needs. Each piece of clothing must do something different. The clothing you design must focus on hardware but can be connected to software like an app. Be sure to take your client’s tastes and lifestyle into consideration.

Presentation Must Include :

Group Name and logo. Picture and description of the client. (You may give them a name of your choice.)Pictures of clothing. Swatches or patches of colors or patterns you will use. Diagramed locations of where wearable tech will be installed. Description of what tech you will use, how it will work, and why you picked it.

Digital Technology Assignment #2


This program currently draws a face, but the eyes are two different sizes. Change the program to use the variable for the size of both eyes, and run the code to make sure both eyes are drawn at the same size.

Fixed code

I changed the code for the eye size to create an image with both of the eyes the same size.


Pathway Assignment #1



Create a video talking about yourself in Spanish Only. / Post this video in your STEAM learning journal as evidence of your ability to communicate in your second language Spanish. 10 spoken lines by heart required. Face the camera. Project your voice. Use the power of your memory in Spanish. Rehearse before recording your final presentation. Speak in complete sentences to perform in the Intermediate Level of Performance Skills.

Pathway Assignment #2

Pathway Assignment #3