
Simeon Adams - Grid for Deliverable #4

Video game Design Project

In geometry, I applied transformations by designing a video game with 3 levels. After designing my video game, I turned the video game into an animation. The goal of my game was to get a random character I made to the finish line for three levels. During this, you would have to use dilations, reflections, rotations, and translations to dodge the TNT that's in the way. It was important throughout the process that we remembered the differences for each transformation. The differences between these transformations are that dilations are used to make your character smaller or larger, rotations to make the character turn a certain way, reflections to make it flip to another side, and translations to move the character forward or backward.

Stain Glass Project

In Geometry, I learned about the properties of parallelograms and used the properties to design a piece of stained glass. The inspiration for my stained glass was a cool picture I found from a google search. The shapes I included in my design were triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, rhombus, and a parallelogram. I made sure that my parallelograms abided by the properties of parallelograms which are opposite sides are parallel, opposite sides are congruent, consecutive angles are supplementary, and diagonals bisect angles

Simeon Adams - Cookie/Tortilla Sector Area + Arc Length Activity

Day 6- Sector Area and Arc Length Activity

This was a fun activity I did in my geometry class. First, I got a cookie and cut it, and measured it with a protractor and ruler to find the circumference, diameter, area, angles, arc lengths, and area of sectors. After that, I answered a few questions that had to do with the measurements.