Spanish 5

Projecto de Hereos Hispanos

Este projecto es de un heroe de la mundo hispano, mi persona es Anthony Ramos. Yo elgo Anthony porque mi gusta los peliculas y musicalles el participan en. En la presentacion yo discribo la vida de mi persona y aspectos de el interesante. La peresentacion no tiene muchos palabras porque yo hablo muchas mas informacion de mi memoria. Mi parte favorito es "¿Cómo Anthony es un héroe?" porque es mas importante de el.

This project is of heroes of the Hispanic world, my person is Anthony Ramos. I chose Anthony because I like the movies and musicals he participated in. In the presentation, I describe the life of my person and interesting aspects of them. The presentation doesn't have many words because I said much more information from my memory. My favorite part is "¿Cómo Anthony es un héroe?" because its very important for him.

Anthony Ramos