Project 2

Day 1 - Creating a Trigonometric Equation

Part 1: Choose any city in the world and record the average monthly high temperatures for a 12-­‐month period.

  1. Go to

  2. Search “average monthly high temperature (type in your city)

  1. Click Graphs

  1. Record the average high temperature for each month in the table below

Average Monthly High Temperature


Average High Temperature

(1) January


(2) February


(3) March


(4) April


(5) May


(6) June


(7) July


(8) August


(9) September


(10) October


(11) November


(12) December


Part 2 - Plotting data and creating a trigonometric equation:

  1. Open Desmos Graphing calculator (

  2. Type the data for every month in the format below:

(month number * 30 - 15, average high temp) don't forget the comma in the middle

January Example: (1 * 30-15, 34)

February Example: (2 * 30-15,37)

  1. To create trigonometric equation as a best fit for the data, estimate the following properties:

Estimated Properties

Amplitude (a-value): ___18____ (highest temp - lowest temp) ÷ (2)

Period: __365______

2π/Period (b-value): __0.017__

Horizontal Shift (c-value) : ___195___ (hottest month number * 30 - 15)

Vertical Shift (d-value): ____71____ (highest tem + lowest temp) ÷ (2)

  1. Create a trigonometric equation to be used to predict high temperature for any day

Predicted Temperature = a * cos (b (x - c)) + d

Trigonometric Equation for Daily High Temperature Prediction


(go to to determine the day # and check your equation)

  1. Plot the trigonometric equation the city on the same desmos page and include screenshots of your graph below

Graph: Actual Average High Temperatures and Trigonometric Equation

Day 1 Checklist:

  • Average monthly high temperature chart completed

  • Trigonometric equation to predict high temperature for each city

  • Graphs with data and trigonometric equation

Day 2 - City Research for News Report

Part 1:

  1. Research social justice news event for the city (you can report on social justice news from another city if your city does not have any)

  1. Extended high temperature forecast for a locally significant date of your choice (calculation for the date with your equation and graph must appear in the video).

Part 2: Create a script for your news report video

News Report Script:

Olivia: Hello and welcome to News at Nine. I hope you are having a great morning, Im Olivia here bringing to you our current Atlanta news and the weather that follows, take it away marcus.

Marcus: Good morning drew students and staff. With the recent acts of police brutality and as black Americans face continuous preduguse, the peaceful protests will continue throughout the city. Be careful as you attend these protests today,it's a little chilly with a high of 64 and a low of 47. But don't let the temperature slow you down, there's a good reason to protest and speak against oppression. Just remember to bring your jacket and keep safe.

Marcus: Now here is Ava with the weather

Ava: *Presents graph of weather for each month* So here we have a diagram to show you how The weather for this entire year *compares temperatures* and if you're wondering how we can infer the weather for this year Dutch here can help,

Dutch: Thanks ava So here you can see how we found the high temperature this weekend. We used the average high temperature throughout the year to come up with an equation that we could use by plugging in the day of the year out of 365, to find out the predicted high temperature for the day. Because today is Tuesday, November 9th, the 313th day of the year, we used the equation “”. This equation uses the day of the year multiplied by other variables such as the amplitude of the average high temperatures throughout the year, in order to figure out the high temperature of a particular day within the year relative to the average high temperature within that month and the ones that surround it. Using this equation we know that the high temperature today should be just over 63 degrees fahrenheit.

Day 2 Checklist :

  • Script for the news report (Including the following elements):

1)Social Justice news event story

2)Estimated high temperature for a day of your choice

3)Work shown to calculate temperature

4)Explanation of calculations for Amplitude, Period, Horizontal Shift and Vertical Shift

  • Begin to practice your news report

Day 3 - Rehearsal/Filming for News Report

Rehearse and begin filming your news report video. Video must include:

  • Social justice news event from the city (you can report on social justice news from another city if your city does not have any)

  • Extended high temperature forecast for a locally significant date of your choice (calculation for the date with your equation and graph must appear in the video).

Day 4 - Filming/Editing for News Report

Complete Filming and begin editing for news report video. Video must include:

  • Social justice news event from the city (you can report on social justice news from another city if your city does not have any)

  • Extended high temperature forecast for a locally significant date of your choice (calculation for the date with your equation and graph must appear in the video).

Day 5 - Final Editing for News Report

Complete editing for news report video. Video must include:

  • Social justice news event from the city (you can report on social justice news from another city if your city does not have any)

  • Extended high temperature forecast for a locally significant date of your choice (calculation for the date with your equation and graph must appear in the video).

Embedded video here