Project 3

-Bottle Rockets-


In this project, we all got in groups and designed bottle rockets. We built them out of materials you could find in your homes like glue, a soda bottle, cardboard, paint, and tape. The purpose of this project was to study projectile motion.

Design Consideration

We added 3 wings to our rocket to help it glide up into the air more steadily. We didn't want our rocket to get too heavy and weigh down when it is blasted off so we kept it pretty light. Other teams added lots of cardboard which we wanted to avoid because of the weight.

The Launch

Once all teams finished their designs we headed out to the school field and launched them. Below is the video of my group's launch.

Our calculations:

Final Position = (initial velocity) x (time) – (0.5)(32)(time)^2

T = the time the rocket was in the air, 3 seconds

IV= Initial velocity

FP= Final position, 0

First, we plugged all our information into the equation (IV) x (T) – (0.5)(32)(T)^2 = FP. Making, (IV) x (3) – (0.5)(32)(3)^2 = 0. Once we solved for IV we got the initial velocity of 48ft per second. Then we graphed our equation, which is to the left.