Engineering Concepts

Robot Project

Today we leaned that we are starting the semester with a robot project.

Above is the briefing for the prototype.

This is a continuation of our project.

Above is the briefing for our final sumo bot.


Moving Servo

Today we went on Arduino and wired our servos and coded the servo motor to move back and forth as shown in the video.

Servo Wiring

Today we went on Tinker CAD and created a diagram of our servo wiring.


Two Servos Independent

Today we coded our servos to move independently instead of with each other as shown in the video.

RObot Research

Personal Robots

The materials necessary to build the robot(I would use the wheels from this design):

cube servo mobile robot

This is a simple mobile robot construction using G15 as the motor to drive the wheel and further the mobile robot. It might not be like the mobile robot you imagine because they are using CD disc as the wheels and the scrap PCB as the mobile robot wheel(I would use the layout/placement of the inside to have easy access to the things necessary).

Arduino Robot

Something I would add to my robot from this robot would be the design. I like this design because it is simple and protective. The only thing I wouldn't take from this is having my wires coming out of the top and being exposed.


Battery Power

Today in class we wired our battery pack and by doing so our servos are now able to move without being attached/plugged into the computer.

Battery Power wiring

Today we went into Tinker CAD and made a prototype wiring diagram for our battery packs. 


Robot Base Built

Today we built our base for our robots and programed it to move forward and backward.


Front, Back, Left, Right

Today we programmed our robots to move Forward, back, left, and right in that exact order.

Today in class we created function codes that allows us to use the words left turn, right turn, forward, and back so we don't have to continue repeating the same long code over and over(basically created a shortcut for our code).

Mini Track : In this video you will see my Robot do a mini track, we programmed them to run these tracks using our function code, the function code made this entire process easy.

Function Code 

#include <Servo.h>

Servo Left;  // create servo object to control a servo

Servo Right;  // create servo object to control a servo

// twelve servo objects can be created on most boards

int pos = 0;    // variable to store the servo position

void setup() {

  Left.attach(9);  // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object

  Right.attach(11);  // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object


void Forward() {

   Left.write(180);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'

   Right.write(0);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'


void Backwards() {

   Left.write(0);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'

   Right.write(180);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'


void Leftturn() {

   Left.write(180);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'

   Right.write(180);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'


void rightturn() {

   Left.write(0);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'

   Right.write(0);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'


void Stop() {

   Left.write(90);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'

   Right.write(90);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'


void loop() {{



    delay(1500);                       // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position




  Backwards() ;


    delay(1500);                       // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position

     Leftturn() ;             // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'

      delay(1500);                       // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position


 rightturn() ;

 delay(2200) ;



Sketch #1

Today for the start of class we worked on 3D shapes, shading the shape, and making it realistic. We just did a simple square to get  used to making 3D shapes.

Sketch #2

Today we started class with going over how to create 3D shape and then we drew a 3D model of a pencil holder.

Sketch #3

Today we drew our 3rd 3D shape. We went over the process of creating it and drew our shape following our teachers instruction.

Sketch # 4

Today we drew our 4th 3D shape. We drew this T shaped image of a box this image was the most challenging but the most fun to draw.

Onshape & Physical Wheels

Today in class we went onto Onshape and created wheels for our hobby motors. In order to do so we had to watch a video our teacher made for us to follow and on the left you will see the Onshape image of our wheels. After finishing our wheels in Onshape we uploaded our image to Glowforge, and on the left you will see the finished product of the wheel.


Two Hobby Motors Moving

Today in class we got our hobby motors, and we wired them to start moving. In the video, to the left, you will see how fast the wheels move and the wiring we had to do to get them to move. We also used a motor controller in our curcuit to control the speed.


Robot base Built (2)

Today in class we created the base for our hobby motor robots. In the video to the left you will see the base of my robot and the hobby motors moving.


Ultrasonic Sensor

In today's class, we wired our Ultrasonic sensors and coded them to tell the distance from an object. To get our code and wiring diagram we used Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 and Arduino. In the video to the left, you will see how the sensor detects the distance from my hand.


Robot Misses Walls

Today in class we mounted our Ultrasonic sensors so that they will be able to see walls in front of them, we also combined the codes of the Ultrasonic sensor and the servo motor code so that our robot would be able to detect walls and move at the same time. In the video to the left you will see my robot detect a wall and move away from it.


BlueTooth Connected

Today we connected our HC05 Bluetooth to our phones and controlled the brightness our HC05 Bluetooth would put out into our LED. 

Idea Development

Today in class we went through the Idea development stage of our project and drew a design for our sumo bot using what we learned from our single point perspective 


Robot Bluetooth Controlled

Today in class we edited our code to do what our Bluetooth controller told it to do and in the video you will see it move by using the Bluetooth controller.

Sumo Battlle 1

Today in class we battled with our robots. Even though my robot didn't lose there is still room for improvement, some improvements I want to make is adding a hammer like feature and some sparks to my robot to give it more offence.


Left Side

Right Side


Idea Development/ Research

Originally I was going to do a bulldozer but then we had to make our robots "pop out more", so then I thought about Christmas so I chose the colors red and green and then chose to create "Santa's Slay" with a ramp in the front. This process was extremely fun but also stressful but my ideas came together and now I have a fully functional robot.


Final Robot

As you will see in my video my robot is fully functional and move front, back, left, and right also stops.

Project Calendar

In this project we are tasked with designing a dog house or a kitty condo. We only have six weeks to complete this project. The schedule is above.

Project Constraints

Above are the constraints.

Simeon Adams - Shared Research Slides


Today in class we when over the project constraints to get a full overview of the project, we also did our research, for our research we created a group google slide as shown to the left, and put images of modern homes to give us ideas for our dog houses.

4 Sketches

Today in class we created 4 different sketch ideas for our dog house or kitty condo. For some of my sketches, I got inspiration from a group google slide we did as a class, in this google slide we searched for images of modern-day houses and put 30 houses we like in a slide. My 4 sketches are to the left.

Scaling lesson

In today's class we started off with the scaling lesson, we did a demo of how our official detailed sketches should look. We created dimensions for our drawing and went over how to make a 3D model of a "house". This process was very fun. To the left you will see the sketch I made in class.

Detailed Sketch

Today in class we created our detailed sketches for our dog houses, in this sketch wee needed to include the dimensions, cut list, SPP, and show assembly/overlay.

Onshape 1

Today in class we went onto onshape to create the parts for our dog house we watched a step y step video that showed us everything we needed to know to create all of our parts. In the image to the left, you will see my creation in onshape.

Prototype 1

Today in class we created the first prototype for our dog house we uploaded our "drawing" in onshape onto glow forge to cut out the pieces we needed for the dog house. To the left you will see the finished product of the first prototype.


Built-in LED lighting up 

Today in class we coded our feather board to make the light in the video blink.

Neopixel Matrix Working 

Today in class we wired our feather board to our neopixel and coded it to light up.


Today in class we learned about matrix, and with this knowledge we created a smiley face with our mu pixel. 

Final Machine Learning Model

The goal of this model was for it to be able to recognize everyone in our class at the highest accuracy. For training the model we used hundreds of images from each student in the class labeled with their name. The functions we used were the build model, show image, show image vpp, load dataset, tensors for image, training model, epochs, and predict data sets to training this final model. This model predicts who is in a picture based on the file I uploaded to the model, and my model did this very accurately by having 96% accuracy. Machine Learning is the use and development of computer systems that are able to learn without following detailed instructions, by using code and models to analyze and make predictions from patterns in the data. A data structure is a way of storing data in a computer's memory. A function is a set of data that is basically a shortcut for a set code you are going to use repeatedly. An image from a computer's perspective is shown as a whole lot of numbers.  A loop is a block of code that tells the computer to repeat a task for a certain amount of time.