Beli Infantry Johnson

About Me . . .

This section is about who you are as a student and a person outside of Drew!  Tell the world about yourself.

Goals . . .

What do you hope to accomplish?  What would you like to do for a career?  How do you plan on accomplishing these goals?  Will you attend college to get there?  

My biggest goal is to become a successful film editor. As I've previously stated in my introduction video, I love movies and editing videos. Because of this, I am striving to pursue a career in film. To do this, I am working on film programs to join while also practicing my filmmaking and editing skills. This is so that I can hopefully make it into NYU's film program, or any other film school in New York and/or California. From there, I will start work as a filmmaker by entering festivals, and contests, and just working on small films to build up my portfolio and experience. Eventually I will become a skilled editor and venture out into other industries like tv shows, sports, live broadcasts, etc.