
Density Paint Pour 

For this project, we were had to do a paint pour. This is when you takes cups of paint that is mixed with glue and alcohol and pour them onto a canvas. For my painting, I went with the colors yellow, blue, and purple. The purpose of conducting this experiment was to test and see which colors were more dense. The colors with a lesser density were more likely to rise to the top because they are lighter. In my painting, you can tell yellow is a lot less dense than purple or blue. 

Top 5 Things I Learned in TinkerCad

For chemistry and my visual arts class, we are being asked to learn how to work a website called TinkerCad. After completeing a few tutorials, I have learned a few ways and tips on working the application. I have learned how to drop shapes onto the workspace, multiple ways to adjust the view of the screen, and how to adjust the angle of the workspace so that you can place shapes on different sides of other shapes. 

Deeply Rooted Presentation

Group 28 - Deeply Rooted Presentation

Chemical ReARTtions

In Chemistry, to demonstrate how we can use chemistry and science to create art, we took copper sheets and held them over a fire. As we did this, a chemical reaction occurred which is why the color of the copper changed color. We held the sheet over the fire until we liked the design the fire created. After, we put everyone in the class's copper on one board as one piece of artwork.