Stay in Touch

General Questions

Questions about the Diploma Programme

Visit the FAQ page to learn more about the IB Programme at John F. Kennedy High School.

Visit to learn more about the International Baccalaureate Organization and the driving principles of the IB Diploma Programme.

Specific Questions

IB Coordinator - Alicia Morris,

CAS Coordinator - Trevor Marienau, 

EE Coordinator - Ashley Frank,

Our Community

Give Back

IB for All means that every Commander has the opportunity and access to fully participate as an IB student, without barriers. Your donations empower our students to participate!

Access to College Credit

Access to High Quality Instruction

Access to CAS Experiences

Access to High School Experiences


Reach out to our treasurer, Stephany Lobo (, to make a donation to the JFK IB Department.

Volunteer Interest

Contact the IB Coordinator, Alicia Morris, at!


Diploma Hall of Fame

We are excited to announce the installation of the IB Diploma Hall of Fame. Next time you are at JFK, please come by the admin offices on the first floor to see all of our IB Diploma Recipents since our first cohort in 2010!

IB Transcripts

The IBO website provides details on how to request transcripts and/or certificates of your IB exam results. 

If a college, university, or other institution is requesting a formal transcript, you can request those be delivered by completing a Request for Results Service. John F. Kennedy's school code is #002488. You will also need your personal candidate information. If you no longer have these codes, please reach out to the JFK IB Coordinator, Alicia Morris at