
When do I have to decide if I want to be a part of the IB Program?

The Diploma Programme (DP) is a two year commitment that is completed by juniors and seniors. Students interested in pursuing the IB diploma can work with their counselor at the end of their sophomore year to select courses that will engage them in the full Diploma Programme. We believe that all Kennedy students deserve access to IB, so there is no application requirement to become a DP student. 

What is the difference between a course student and a diploma student?

At Kennedy, all students have the opportunity to enroll in individual IB courses or complete the full programme. Students who only take a small selection of IB classes--and, as a result, don't meet all the requirements to pursue the diploma--are referred to as course students. Those who take a full course-load of IB classes and complete the additional requirements of Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS), the Extended Essay (EE), and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) are referred to as diploma students.

To be an IB student, do I have to have attended an IB World school before?

Not at all! Although Kennedy has a relationship with our IB feeder schools, Sabin and BVIS, no experience with IB is required!


What is the difference between a traditional, Honors, AP, or IB class?

Depending on the subject, students may be able to choose from a variety of levels for their coursework. Traditional courses (ex. English III) follow the pacing and rigor of the grade-level standards. Honors courses (ex. English III Honors) will include the same coursework as a traditional class, but may follow a faster pace, incorporate additional content, and provide extensions that reach to the next grade level. Advanced Placement, or AP, courses (ex. AP English Language & Composition) follow a curriculum that prepares students for the AP exam at the end of the year, which could result in college credit if a high enough score is attained. AP is a challenging course that incorporates college level content and writing styles. 

IB classes (ex. IB English Literature I), much like AP, are taught at the most rigorous level and are viewed by universities being at the standard of a college course. Students in IB classes will also take exams at the end of their courses, which can earn college credit depending on the achieved score. Unlike AP, however, IB is recognized as an international program; students who choose to study abroad will have their IB credit recognized, while AP may not be. 

At Kennedy, enrolling as a full-time IB Diploma student is the most academically prestigious option available, a distinction that can set you apart on your college applications. ​

If I'm an IB student, do all of my classes have to be IB?

Not necessarily. At Kennedy, students have the opportunity to take 8 classes each year. The IB DP curriculum requirements fill between 6 and 7 spots in your schedule, depending on the combination of higher level (HL) and standard level (SL) IB classes you take.

What does a full-time IB schedule look like?

Click here to see our course sequencing. 

How do I pick my classes?

Students who are accepted to the IB program will work with their guidance counselor and IB Coordinator to choose a schedule that fits their needs. 

The Diploma

What is "The IB Diploma"? Do I still get a regular diploma?

The IB Diploma is awarded to student who meet the requirements of the six subjects, plus the three core subjects—EE, TOK and CAS. They must accumulate no fewer than 24 points from the exams in these subjects, in addition to grade stipulations within their classes. In late summer, once the IB exams have been scores (an external process), students will learn if they have transitioned from an IB Diploma Candidate to and IB Diploma Graduate. 

​All Kennedy students who meet the DPS graduation requirements will earn their high school diploma. 

​Do all students get an IB Diploma for taking IB classes?

No; only students who (1) are full-time Diploma Candidate and (2) meet the minimum requirements on their IB exams and coursework. 

What is the benefit of getting an IB diploma versus just taking IB courses?

The IB Diploma is the highest academic honor that can be awarded to students at Kennedy. Due to the rigor and requirements of pursuing the diploma, students who earn the IB Diploma are more competitive college applicants and often qualify for more scholarship opportunities. 

Plus, in the state of Colorado, all IB students who earn the diploma are guaranteed at least 24 college credits at all Colorado public universities. 

What is "The Core"?

In addition to the courses taken by IB students, they will also complete 3 components--referred to as "the core"--in order to build their capacity as well-rounded, globally minded citizens. These 3 components are:


All students have to take IB exams?

 All IB courses culminate in a final exam, administered in May. As part of the commitment to the advanced coursework, students enrolled in an IB course are expected to take the exam. If a student opts-out of the IB exam or fails to complete their registration form, (1) they WILL NOT recieve an IB cord at graduation, (2) they WILL NOT be eligible to earn college credit for their IB Class, and (3) they WILL be required to sit for the course final in their IB class during JFK finals week (those who take the IB exam are exempt). 

How much do IB exams cost?

 The fee schedule for the May 2024.

What If I can't afford the IB exams?

 At Kennedy, we're committed to finding ways to eliminate financial barriers to higher-level coursework. Beginning with the class of 2022, all Commanders will have their IB English Language & Literature exam paid for. 

Students who qualify for free or reduced lunch are able to request a 50% reduction in their exam fees. ​

Reach out to Mrs. Morris if you need support in paying for your exams. 

When would I take the IB Exams?

At Kennedy, all students take exams during the month of May. The IB exam schedule for May 2024 can be found here

At what point do students know if they earned the diploma?

All exam results, including notification of having earned the diploma, occurs on July 6th. Students will log into candidates.ibo.org to view their scores. Students' Candidates Codes and PINs will be emailed to them by the IB Coordinator, Mrs. Morris before the IB exam sessions begin in May.