FITstep Pedometers

Please watch the video below to gain a better understanding about the pedometers that we use in class everyday!



Exercise and the brain: Research has shown that exercise prepares the brain for learning in a multitude of ways, including but not limited to, increased brain growth and function at a cellular and neurotransmitter level (i). Students who are more physically fit are more likely to do well on state standardized tests, have better attendance, and fewer disciplinary problems at school (ii). While students should be physically active at least 60 minutes every day (iii) this isn't happening for all children. Jeffco SPARK Initiative aims to improve academics by giving students more daily physical activity.


To develop and implement a research based program that will target academic outcomes via strategic exercise and academic scheduling for targeted students during the school day.


Students participating in the SPARK Initiative are enrolled in a P.E. or physical activity class in which they will have the chance to participate in 25+ minutes moderate to vigorous physical activity.

Pedometers are used to encourage physical activity and ensure participants are exercising in MVPA.

Assessment of the impact of daily activity on academic and behavioral outcomes will be done through the Jeffco Assessment and Research Office.

Desired Outcomes:

Increased physical activity during the school day.

Improved attentiveness and interest in school.

Improved academic outcomes in Language Arts and Math.

Decreased behavioral problems.

Increased enjoyment in physical activity.


MVPA: Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity. 110 steps per minute=1 minute of MVPA!


i. Ratey, J SPARK: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

ii. Texas Education Agency. Physically Fit Students More Likely to Do Well in School. 2009

iii. American Heart Association