Daily Routines and Procedures


Do Now:

1. Enter the locker rooms and dress out for class (you have five-six minutes to do this).

2. Come out into the gymnasium and put on your assigned pedometer and heart rate sensor (by number).

3. Grab a question strip from the table and read the day's objective.

4. Walk AND talk with a partner around the gymnasium and look at the day’s agenda on the projector screen (2 minutes).

5. Come up to your teacher and tell him the answer to your question.

6. When the whistle blows, go to your spots for attendance (2 minutes).

7. Daily Warm Up (5 minutes)

8. Daily stretches (2 minutes)

9. Turn and Talk with a partner (2 minutes)

10. Daily lesson (skills, games, etc.)

11. Exit Ticket: Checking for understanding

a. Teacher to student questions DURING activity

b. Turn and talk question(s) with a partner

c. Formative assessment (Plickers, Kahoot, etc.)

12. End of class procedures:

a. Dock your pedometer

b. Turn your heart rate monitor off


Monday-5+ minute jog around the gym; 5+ minute intervals around the gym; Move-Connect-Learn 1, Move-Connect-Learn 2; Projected Warm Up Slide; Roll the Dice

Health-Related Focus: Cardiovascular endurance, Muscular endurance, Flexibility, Body Composition

Skill-Related Focus: Balance, Coordination

Tuesday-5+ minute jump rope using Jump It app (pick one jump in the app); Choice between jogging or jump roping; Projected Warm Up Slide; Exercise Surprise; Would you Rather Do?

Health-Related Focus: Cardiovascular endurance, Muscular endurance, Flexibility, Body Composition

Skill-Related Focus: Agility, Balance, Coordination, Speed

Wednesday-6+ minute Fitness Warm Up: 1 minute fitness stations (6 total); Warm Up Rotations using Gifs; Aces Wild Fitness; Swork It app; Decide Now app; Poker Fitness; Group Darebee Workout; Decoder activity (SPARK); Plank Hockey; Choose It Fitness; Crossing the Midline (Would you rather?); Full Name Workout; Rock Paper Scissors Activities; Rock Paper Scissors Fitness, Rock Paper Scissors Fitness (v2); Periodic Table of Bodyweight Exercises; I Muscle App (Bodyweight Gifs); Projected Warm Up Slide OR Triathlon Scooter Workout

Health-Related Focus: Muscular strength, Muscular endurance, Body composition

Skill-Related Focus: Balance, Coordination

Thursday-6+ minute Team Warm Up: Team Cardio (groups of 2)-Exercises changing every minute (jogging, carioca, side shuffle, power skips, back pedal and butt kickers); Heart Rate Highway; Pyramid Partner Warm Up; Projected Warm Up Slide; Activity Time Challenge (Jog/J.R. with 15 minutes of combined activity time on pedometers); Finger Fitness; Warm Up 1; Warm Up 3

Health-Related Focus: Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular endurance, Flexibility, Body composition

Skill-Related Focus: Balance, Coordination, Speed

Friday-6+ minute Partner Pacer (groups of 2); Deal or No Deal; 150 +/- lap challenge using Decide Now app; Number Card Tag; Draw It Fitness; Projected Warm Up Slide

Health-Related Focus: Cardiovascular endurance, Muscular endurance, Body composition

Skill-Related Focus: Balance, coordination


High Knees

Butt Kickers


Back Pedal

Toy Soldiers

Walking Lunges with Twist

Tip Toe Walking

Power Skips


Arm Circles

Side Shuffle

Running Backwards High Knees