My Apps & Digital Tools

Technology provides great opportunities for making learning more effective for everyone with different needs, and during your course you will be expected to use a range of online Tools and Apps.

Creating and sharing your work online, improving motivation and productivity, collaborating with your tutors and fellow students, maintaining proper online etiquette, all of these are important skills you will develop which will enhance your employability.

This page covers the Apps you will be expected to use, and you will receive further direction from your tutor.

NB All of these are available via your college account and you do NOT have to pay for any of them.

TIP We would suggest downloading the Apps to your devices in preparation for when you receive details of your unique Username and password.

Microsoft Tools & Apps

Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based service that you can access from any device with an internet connection. Using your college email account allows you free access to all of these Microsoft tools:

TIP Remember, you will need to sign in using your college email account, for example (Doncaster College) (North Lindsey College)

Logging into Microsoft Office online

Enter in your web browser address bar

Sign in with your student email account:

Doncaster College example -

North Lindsey College example -

Google Chrome Extensions

We recommend using Google Chrome as your web browser as it is compatible with our college systems.

Chrome Extensions

By using your college college Google account you can add extra services - called extensions - to the Google Chrome toolbar on your computer.

Useful extensions include:

  • Grammarly

  • Read&Write for Google Chrome (useful for accessibility, writing and proofreading)

  • Texthelp Screenreader

  • Texthelp PDF Reader

Google Tools & Apps

From your college email account you have free online access to all of these Google tools, and you can also download the App versions to your mobile devices:

  • Google Drive (unlimited online cloud storage - save files, images, videos)

  • Google Docs

  • Google Slides

  • Google Sheets

  • Google Forms

  • Google Sites (available online but not available as an App)

You may already have a personal Google account especially if you have an Android phone. However you also have access to a college Google account which includes free unlimited cloud storage with Google Drive , Docs and other Google Apps.

TIP Use your Student Email details to login to your Google account, for example together with your password.

Smart Assessor

Smart Assessor is an electronic portfolio where you can upload evidence of your skills and knowledge, which is then assessed by your tutor against your required training or qualification standards.

Your tutor will provide you with your user details and password

TIP upload work regularly to keep up your progress

Download the Smart assessor App