Internal Grants

Grant opportunities are only available to current Maricopa County Community College faculty.

“Open” by Jessica Duensing is licenced CC-BY-SA

OER Development Grants

The 2023-2024 OER Development Grant is an opportunity to develop digital course materials, including faculty-authored and -remixed open educational resources (OER).  Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching materials published under an open intellectual property license that permits certain kinds of reuse, revision, and remixing. In addition to the benefit of customization, students benefit directly from free, immediate, and permanent access to high-quality educational materials. 

Grant Proposal Information

Proposals will: 


Expectations for Final Grant Deliverables

Resources developed through the OER Development Grant must be: 

2023-2024 OER Development Grant Application Form

Complete this Google Form to submit your grant application 

Load limits apply. 


Proposals may be submitted at any time prior to the final application due date below. You may submit (or be listed on) only one proposal per academic year.

There will be a kickoff meeting for everyone receiving a grant. The kickoff meeting is designed to inform awardees of the required paperwork, available OER resources, training opportunities, and expectations for submitting the final project. 


2023-2024 OER Development Grant Tiers

Project & Funding Tiers

The 2023-2024 OER Development Grants Proposal Tiers provide detailed information about each of the tier options. The maximum award for a Open Maricopa OER Development grant is $3000 for an individual or $2,500 per person on a team, up to $7500 for a team of three. You only need to submit one proposal per team. 

2023-2024 OER Development Grant Application Worksheet

Application Worksheet

The 2023-2024 OER Development Grant Application Worksheet is provided for applicants to develop and refine the application prior to submission.  Please make a copy of the 2023-2024 OER Development Grant Application Worksheet to plan your grant proposal. 

2023 - 2024 OER Development Grant Application Scoring Rubric

Scoring Rubric

The 2023-2024 OER Development Grant Application Scoring Rubric provides more information about the application expectations. 

A minimum score of 80% of the points possible is necessary to be considered for this grant. 

Preference is given to applicants who can demonstrate basic OER knowledge, for example by having taken Open Maricopa/Maricopa Millions OER workshops or received equivalent certifications; for materials that will be used in multiple course sections; for teams of up to three individuals, preference is given to cross-college, cross-functional, and/or cross-disciplinary projects. 

[Under Construction] Prior Grant Projects and Recipients

This section and the Open Maricopa OER Grant Final Products book in Maricopa Open Digital (MOD) Press are in development.  Please see some of the previous year's grant recipients and their projects below: 
