Open Maricopa


Open Maricopa facilitates widespread use of open, low-cost, quality materials to promote student success,  textbook affordability, and increased access to a quality educational experience


We believe that access to high-quality, no-cost/low-cost, equitable, inclusive, and open educational practices engages students in their learning, fosters collaboration, breaks down barriers, and opens pathways to lifelong learning. 


Access: Open Educational Practices are easily accessible by all students and faculty, including our dual enrollment partners. 

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity: Open Educational Practices are inclusive and strive to meet the diverse needs of all learners, including by supporting the participation of new and non-traditional voices in OER creation and adoption. *

Student-centered: Open Educational Practices are student-centered.

Student Success: Open Educational Practices are a catalyst for instructional practices which foster student success 

Community and Collaboration: Open Educational Practices are a community of learners and creators building relationships to share ideas and resources around open educational practices 

Attribution: Open Educational Practices are clearly attributed, ensuring that all who create or remix OER are properly and clearly credited for their contributions. *

Innovation and Creativity: Open Educational Practices are committed to innovation, creativity and continuous improvement

High-Quality:  Open Educational Practices are committed to continuous improvement through thoughtful inquiry, innovation, reflection, design, and research.

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