
Maricopa Open Digital (MOD) Press

The Maricopa Open Digital (MOD) Press, using the PressbooksEDU ebook publishing platform, supports students, faculty, and staff across the Maricopa County Community College District in the discovery, sharing, and creation of digital publications, including faculty-authored and remixed open educational resources.

PressbooksEDU is used by a variety of institutions across the world to make knowledge accessible beyond the traditional boundaries of the classroom. Publications shared on the MOD Press are not only available openly online, but can also be exported in multiple formats for use as ebooks or for print-on-demand.

For more information:

Pressbooks, visit 

Open Maricopa OER project, visit 

Pressbooks offers webinars each month.  Register for an upcoming Pressbooks webinar.

Here are some Pressbooks training videos from the Open Textbook Network.

These three 1-hour Pressbooks training sessions covered how to:

Need additional resources?  Check out the following guides to creating open education resources:

Don’t reinvent the wheel.  Search for existing Open Education Resource at one of the following sites:

Are you looking for H5P interactive media?  Check out:

Get to know the OER Librarian and the Network Manager for your location.

Be on the lookout for additional professional development opportunities offered by Open Maricopa and the Maricopa Center for Learning and Innovation (requires MCCCD authentication).