Scope the Work

What will you do and how will you measure impact?

How will you develop Employability Skills at your school or district? If you're unsure how to answer that question, preview the Create Conditions and Develop Employability Skills sections of this website for inspiration.

What are the desired outcomes of developing Employability Skills? How will you measure those outcomes through a variety of success metrics? Answer those questions by creating a scorecard, which will be your progress tracker and a tool for decision making and storytelling.

As you identify your list of desired data points, consider your ideal data mix:

As you craft your scorecard, ask yourself, "How accessible will this be to key stakeholders - students themselves, families, teachers, etc?"

Tools to get started

Create a school or district scorecard to identify both your desired outcomes and how you'll measure your progress. Use this tool to get started.



The Hawaii State Public Charter School Commission created a sample dashboard to inspire schools to track their metrics of success over time. 

Logan County, KY

Logan County aligned on key outcomes (left column) and created rubrics to define success. They track this data incrementally throughout the school year.


The Collaboration of Shoals, Mitchell, and Orleans Community Schools (COSMOS) created a KPI board of metrics to track impact over time.
