Student Portfolios

How will your students track their growth?

Student portfolios that showcase evidence of their development of Employability Skills such as communication, collaboration, and work ethic are an essential tool for students to demonstrate their readiness for the workforce. These portfolios provide a tangible record of a student's achievements, experiences, and growth in these areas, allowing potential employers to assess their strengths and suitability for specific roles. Furthermore, the inclusion of reflective components in these portfolios encourages students to think critically about their learning, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for their future development. This reflective practice can help students build self-awareness, develop a growth mindset, and become more proactive in their personal and professional growth.

Tools to get started

Define the guardrails or must haves for your student portfolios. Use this tool to capture your thinking.


Vista, CA

Madison Middle School in Vista Unified School District in California created a template slide deck for students portfolios.

W.I.D.E School

High school students at The W.I.D.E. School near Houston, TX have clear must-haves in their portfolio, but they otherwise have creative freedom to customize their digital space.

Milan, IN

The team at Milan High School created a template Google site to serve as a model for students when creating their portfolios
