Form a Guiding Coalition

Effective leadership requires collaboration; your biggest asset is your people. So, it’s time to recruit your guiding coalition. For this coalition to be most effective, it is best to convene eight to nine people, or less. This can help to maintain purpose and ensure task completion. Within those eight to nine people, be sure to include a variety of perspectives, roles, and personalities.

Start by self-assessing using the tool below. Then, prepare a list of potential candidates and ask each of them to self-assess their own leadership strengths. How might their strengths complement yours? 

Tools to get started

Self-assess to understand your strengths as a leader using this tool

Then, create an intentional and inclusive list of guiding coalition members using this tool and ask them complete the self-assessment as well.


C4, IN

C4 Columbus Area Career Connection housed in Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation formed an advisory board to set a vision and support implementation of systems and programs to develop Employability Skills. Read more here.

Monrovia, CA

Monrovia Unified School District launched a guiding coalition to create more learner-centered experiences and environments in their classrooms. Read more here.

Mesa Union, CA

Mesa Union School District convened a guiding coalition to define the desired whole-learner outcomes (Employability Skills) and create a learning model to ensure those outcomes are achieved. Learn more here.
