Statistics Center

In-Charge: Dr. Racquel Quiambao

| Statistics Center

The Statistical Center of DMMMSU aims to provide statistical services to ensure statistical accuracy, data reliability and validity. The center serves as a quality mechanism of the University to promote the quality of the researches of the students and faculty. It is available to graduate students, faculty members, undergraduate students as well as clients in government and industry.

The following are the services offered by the center:

  1. Statistical Consultation - a statistician provides a one hour consultation to guide the researcher on how to obtain the appropriate sample size, the selection of appropriate statistical tools to be used vis-à-vis the problem and design of the study.

  1. Data Organization:

  • Labeling (Coding) – this includes transforming the data into a format which could be manipulated using available statistical software.

  • Encoding – this covers feeding the coded data/information into the statistical software used. Vis-à-vis with encoding is editing the encoded data so as to facilitate the conduct of statistical treatment used.

  1. Statistical Treatment and Interpretation – The statistician runs appropriate statistical tool to the encoded data so as to generate accurate results responsive to, and in agreement with, the statement of the problems. Clients are also given guidance in the preparation of manuscript that conforms to the university format particularly the textual, tabular, and graphical presentations of data.

  1. Verification - assigned statistician checks if the statistical treatment, as well as the interpretations of the research conducted, is correct. This service is available for clients who run their own statistical computations.

In-Charge: Dr. Raquel Quiambao