Getting Started

How to Sign Up

1. Go to and under Create your free account click I'm a Teacher button.

2. Click Continue with Google to create an account with your district email and password or enter your email and create a password.

3. You will be prompted to give your first name, last name, and school name, city, or zipcode.

4. You will be asked "Whose resources are you interested in?" when you see the names of other teachers in your school.

5. You will then be asked "What do you want to do first?" and then you can select "Set up my first class" or "Collaborate with Educators."

6. You will automatically be shown some basic features re: Classes, Groups, What's Due, Home Stream, and Messaging Continue selecting the "Next" button to cycle through these notes.

7. To Collaborate with Educators, click on "Discover New Communities" at the top of the page. Click on any professional groups that interest you to follow them, e.g, Scratch, ISTE, Khan Academy, etc. Under Find Content click on Browse Topics to see academic areas to follow, e.g., Arts, Science, Math, English Language Arts, Spanish etc.

8. Go back to the home page (click Edmodo face in upper left hand corner) and click on your name to finish filling out your profile.

9. Congratulations, you are ready to reap the benefits of Edmodo!