Department Policies

Assessment Remediation policy

All Level One, Two, Three, and Four Classes

Formative Quizzes and Summative Assessments will be graded for accuracy and can be remediated using the following protocol:
  • The student has contacted his/her teacher within 48 hours of receiving the initial graded quiz/assessment to schedule a remediation appointment.
  • The student has completed all homework and formative assignments from that Curricular Unit prior to remediating.
  • The quiz/assessment is remediated within one week of the student receiving their graded initial quiz/assessment.

There is also an expectation that students have met with their teacher at least once developing a plan to review before the initial quiz/summative assessment.

AP Level Classes

Summative Quizzes and Chapter Tests will be graded for accuracy and can be remediated using the following protocol:
  • The student has contacted his/her teacher within 48 hours of the initial assessment to schedule a remediation appointment.
  • The student has completed all homework and formative assignments from that Chapter prior to remediating.
  • The assessment is remediated within one week of the student receiving their graded initial assessment.
  • Vocabulary Quizzes, Writing Assessments and Speaking Assessments cannot be remediated.

There is also an expectation that students have met with their teacher at least once developing a plan to review before the initial quiz/summative assessment.

Formative Work Policy

Formative work (synchronous classwork, asynchronous assignments, or homework) can be graded in a variety of ways at teacher discretion: students can keep their work for future reference without it being added to the gradebook, teachers can enter a completion grade (with or without numerical value), or work can be assessed for accuracy.
Students can be asked to turn work in by the end of the period, the end of the calendar day (11:59pm), or at the beginning of a future class period.
Late work can be turned in after the due date for half credit until the start of the Unit IPA testing period. (If work is graded for accuracy, late work will be awarded half of the earned points.) Students must communicate their submission of late work following whatever procedure has been established by their teacher.
Grading procedures, due dates and times will be clearly presented by the teacher when formative work is assigned.