Environmental Emergencies Centre (EEC) Beyond Response eLearning course

The Environmental Emergencies Centre (EEC) Beyond Response eLearning course provides an overview of the international environmental emergency response mechanisms and introduces the main actors and tools available for preparing for, and responding to, environmental emergencies.

The Beyond Response course is a part of the series of online learning modules developed by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit and partners, hosted on the EEC. The series offers training on a range of environmental emergency preparedness and response topics.

Since the Beyond Response eLearning was launched, it has been completed by over 1,800 users!


The Beyond Response eCourse introduces tools and resources such as the Flash Environmental Assessment Tool and the Disaster Waste Management Guidelines

There are separate detailed eLearning courses on both of these tools, as well as courses on industrial accident prevention, preparedness and response and environment and humanitarian action.

Target Audience and Participants

The course is accessible to everyone, but specifically targeted to representatives of countries and organizations wishing to improve their readiness for environmental emergency response

Methodology and Course Duration



Register at the Environmental Emergencies Centre 

If you have any questions and/or problems accessing the course, please contact the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit at ochaunep@un.org.