
The following e-learning products are offered by OCHA and its operational partners:

This interactive platform provides a single entry point to all learning products on humanitarian civil-military coordination. It allows you to review the catalogue and select the most appropriate learning tool based on your interests, time available and level of expertise.

The Cash Learning Partnership has developed a Cash Learning Hub, a space where they have brought together a range of learning resources on cash, from CaLP and other agencies. This includes a range of e-learning courses and video resources.

The Environmental Emergencies Centre hosts a series of online learning modules developed by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit and partners on a range of environmental emergency preparedness and response topics.

You can access the learning modules on the EEC Learning Centre where you will need to register. Registration is free and open to everyone.

The Humanitarian Needs Assessment E-learning program is designed to provide an overview of the Humanitarian Needs Assessment process.

The On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) Awareness Course introduces the OSOCC system to those who may interact with the components and functions of the OSOCC during an emergency response following a sudden-onset disaster.

The United Nations Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination (UN-CMCoord) eCourse is an online learning experience that brings together practitioners and experts to discuss UN-CMCoord concepts and principles and their practical applications in responding to natural disasters and complex emergency settings.

Based on the UN-CMCoord Field Handbook, this e-course provides a well-rounded and interactive approach to learning and is accessible to all organizations and individuals interested in the topic of humanitarian civil-military coordination.

Countdown Knowledge Quiz

Are you a gamified learner?

UN-CMCoord officers with a civilian, military or police background should have a general knowledge about the United Nations and inter-agency humanitarian work. Those succeeding with the quiz, are unquestionably among the absolute insiders of our work.

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