UN-CMCoord Skills Training

UN-CMCoord Skills Training

A specialized coordination course on humanitarian civil-military coordination for OCHA and operational partners.

The UN-CMCoord Skills Training aims to train those currently or potentially engaged in UN-CMCoord operations to contribute to the effectiveness of international emergency relief operations by promoting appropriate and effective humanitarian-military relationships.

By the end of the training event, civil-military practitioners will perform their tasks more confidently through:

  • Taking an active part in supporting the dialogue with military and armed actors in their respective duty station.
  • Assuming responsibilities in UN-CMCoord, in particular by actively participating in mechanisms promoting humanitarian-military information exchange and interactions.
  • Joining a network of UN-CMCoord expert personnel.


Reaction and Planned Action

After participating in the UN-CMCoord Skills Training, civil-military practitioners will:

  • React positively to the overall training and share the philosophy of UN-CMCoord in humanitarian response.
  • Join a robust pool of UN-CMCoord experts willing to keep abreast of latest developments to self-develop and contribute to a supportive civil-military environment in their respective duty station.
  • Score an 80 percent relevance rate of each individual session/topic of the course.

Learning and Confidence

After completing the UN-CMCoord Skills Training, civil-military practitioners will:

  • Draw the main steps of a UN-CMCoord operation and highlight key differences based on the context (i.e. sudden onset, escalating and protracted humanitarian crises)
  • Identify key civil-military coordination tools and explain how to maximize their impact in operational contexts.
  • Challenge UN-CMCoord standards and principles with operational realities.
  • Utilize confidently crucial information management tools to boost interoperability in UN-CMCoord operations.
  • Apply influential communication skills to foster the civil-military dialogue in UN-CMCoord preparedness and response.
  • Design and maintain coherent civil-military platforms for information sharing and interactions in emergencies.
  • Optimize the use of civil-military collaborative working tools for preparedness and response effectiveness.

Application and Implementation

When trained civil-military practitioners assume their functions they will:

  • Exercise a key role in support of the civil-military coordination dialogue in their respective duty station
  • Take an active part in establishing and maintaining platforms for interaction and information exchange at their respective duty station
  • Gain trust and confidence from all actors of civil-military coordination through demonstration of professionalism, dedication and organizational integrity.


24 participants will be selected on the following criteria:

OCHA will identify candidates who meet pre-determined criteria and are currently or will be most likely involved in emergency response.

  • Graduate of UN-CMCoord Course /or/ graduate of Preparedness and Response Effectiveness Programme (PREP) Course and UN-CMCoord eCourse
  • Experience working in emergency relief and response, coordination, operational support in complex emergencies or natural disaster, either with humanitarian agencies, military or both.
  • Current member of a formal OCHA Surge Mechanism (i.e. ASP, SBPP, ERR).
  • For active military personnel, current or recent operational deployment (e.g. PKO, CIMIC, civil-military personnel)
  • Excellent oral and written English is essential.


  • Preparatory phase:
    • Distance learning
    • Collaborative working week (i.e. webinar using WebEx)
    • Web-based preparatory sessions (i.e. webinar using WebEx)
  • Participatory approaches using facilitated discussions
  • Group and individual work, including analysis and role plays on real case studies to allow for practical application of information and concepts presented
  • Presentations in plenary
  • Written assignments (i.e. preparatory phase and evaluation)


  • Residential with a duration of 5.5 days
  • Two events per year in Switzerland
  • No course fee
  • Accommodation and meals covered by organizers
  • Sending organizations/office responsible for travel costs and applicable allowances


  • Course coordinator/Lead Facilitator (OCHA)
  • Three Co-facilitators/Technical Subject-Matter Experts on civil-military coordination (i.e. inter-agency representatives)
  • E-learning coordination (OCHA)


Personal invitation letters are issued three months before the course.