José Picó

Learning Spaces: You are the architect of your school.

The fundamental objective of the Day of Good Practices is that all UD staff have the opportunity to present and/or listen to those practices that are carried out at our University and that can serve as a model and guide for others. That is why we want to encourage you to participate in it, either by presenting the good practices or by attending other people's presentations.

Today, the learning space is not restricted to a single physical space (the classroom) or even physical space per se. In fact, in the 21st century we learn in and from multiple spaces (physical, semi-presential and virtual). The VIII University Conference on Innovation and Quality is presented as one more space through which to inform our colleagues about our good practices.

These practices may be framed in some of the following areas:

Area 1: Physical learning spaces

  • Innovative experiences on the use of physical spaces within the university (classrooms, CRAI, laboratories, etc.)

  • Learning experiences with different social groups (adults, children, adolescents, migrants, NGOs, women, etc.)

  • Innovative experiences resulting from the application of active methodologies that make use of spaces outside the university (service-learning, ABP, learning by doing, etc.)

  • Joint programming of teachers of the same subject

  • Planning for learning in and out of the classroom

  • Different uses of the same classroom

  • Internship programmes as learning spaces

  • Exchange-mobility programs as learning spaces

  • Spaces for the creation of ideas as spaces for learning

Area 2: Virtual learning spaces

  • Experiences of applications, platforms and digital tools for learning

  • Innovative online training experiences

  • Experiences in the use of emerging technologies (mobile devices, virtual reality, augmented reality, etc.) as learning spaces

Area 3: Professional development of university teachers and/or researchers

  • Skills for new spaces and times of learning

  • Interspace and virtual environment collaboration strategies

  • Training programs and experiences for university personnel in heterogeneous spaces (physical, semi-presential or virtual)

  • Innovative experiences of intra- and inter-university teams

Copia de Diálogo con los espacios.Gabinete de Comunicación.mpg

"Dialogue with the spaces" Communication Office

Learning spaces in today's university environment: opportunities for the development of competencies and implementation of innovative good teaching practices

Exhibition of Good Practices

The presentations of the good practices should be done through a poster whose measures will be 60x40.

The poster will be delivered to the Teaching Innovation Unit (date to be notified).

Publication of Good Practices

The presentations made at the Conference will be published in digital with ISBN.

Some of the best practices will be invited to write a publication (in book format) that will be selected by the corresponding Scientific Committee.

Photos of the VIII Conference on Innovation and Quality at the University of Deusto. April 2018

Teaching Innovation Unit

Blog "Aprender para Enseñar"