For the presentation of Good Practices

Challenges in the transformation of teaching/learning environments in higher education 

On this occasion, the 11th Conference on Teaching Innovation and Quality will focus on experiences and practices related to current challenges for the teaching/learning experience and environments in higher education (such as the use of artificial intelligence tools; self-regulation; deep learning; virtual exchange or virtual exchanges; agile methodologies; APyS; transversal competences of the UD; ODS, among others).

"El impacto de la IA en la transformación de los entornos de E-A en educación superior"

Javier Nó Sánchez 

The fundamental objective of the Day of Good Practices is that all UD staff have the opportunity to present and/or listen to those practices that are carried out at our University and that can serve as a model and guide for others. That is why we want to encourage you to participate in it, either by presenting the good practices or by attending other people's presentations.

Challenges in transforming teaching-learning environments in higher education

On this occasion, it will focus on university experiences and practices with the aim of developing the comprehensive training of university students and responding to sustainability from different perspectives (development of the transversal competences of the UD; design and development of projects and activities of APyS; development of the 2030 agenda and the SDGs, among others).

Exhibition of Good Practices

The presentations of the good practices must be made by means of a vertical poster measuring 60x40.

The poster will be delivered to the Teaching Innovation Unit (the date will be notified).

Publication of Good Practices 

As in the past, the presentations given at the conference will be published in digital format with ISBN. 

Some of the best practices that will be selected by the corresponding Scientific Committee will be invited to write a publication (in book format). 

Date:  17th of January  2024

Time: 09:30 -13:30

Place of the event

Auditorio de la Universidad de Deusto

Claustro del Auditorio 

Universidad de Deusto